Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nate and Reanna

Well, here they are. Images from my first wedding as the primary shooter. WOW! Being a wedding photographer is no joke! Everyone knows all about the whole "you only get one shot to capture the moment" but what they don't realize is the amount of time and the actual physically hard work it takes to pull off shooting a wedding. I was shooting images less than 5 minutes after I walked inside the church, and didn't stop until about 8 hours later. I was sweating just about the entire time. I'm very lucky I didn't "pit out" the shirt I was wearing. It was brutal!! But I'm glad Reanna talked me into doing it. It was a great experience and I hope I got some shots they like. Thank you Nate and Reanna for letting me "practice" on your big day. I had a great time!

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